New method to learn how to draw in few lessons
Do you know that text content with a colouring drawing is significantly better perceived by a discussion partner ?
Drawing allows to get in direct contact with your partner. It is an EFFECTIVE ORIGINAL TOOL to communicate and to express one’s self… A drawing goes right into the brain of the observer. The client looks at pictures but does not perceive a written text in its entirety. Marketing is based on story telling : Tell your story and remember the stories that captivated you, when you were a child, had drawings in them that made you dream… A drawing takes you far away.
In a nushell , drawing is a very persuasive marketing tool.
In short, why have I developed this method, this MSE method or extreme simplification method of my own ?
- Because I dont know my right from my left
- Because I made spelling mistakes in the early grades
- Because I obtained my A levels with 0,5 in math. The nightmare started back again with my dysphasic son…
I completed my university degree making drawings and plans to simplify to the extreme the content and it worked out very well. So I knew it was possible to get it even for a disabled student because I was bearer of invisible and not recognized disability at that time.
I got it thanks to my father’s slaps and to mind maps. Be reassured, I wont slap you ;.Mind maps are sort of thumbnail sketchings and they help a lot for memorization.
I used this extreme simplication in all subjects and when I could not remember, I used to sketch….I had my black belt and my driving licence with R and L written discretly on my hand ; nobody noticed it..
Having successfully completed higher education : A LEA Master and a Degree in French Litterature, I knew it was possible and the key to success was to repeat daily for concrete result : Repeat for perfection.
To draw is like to build a house. You need a solid structure and only then, you can to the decoration and to the details to some details only, no need for accumulation. The simplier , the better…
- During the first two lessons I will show you how to simplify and set up your drawing.
- At lesson N°3, I give you speed.
- And 4 and 5 lessons, I will teach you how to shade easily and with what traits. You will also learn during these 5 coachings my tips and tricks.
And then, it is up to you to come back or not…
After 5 coachings, you know enough to draw not like Leonard or Michelangelo but you can get by without me because this is my goal : make you independent as soon as possible.
I dont know if I am working with right brain or left brain and it is indifferent to me….
but what I know
- I teach you how to make choices about what is important or not
- I do establish priorities
- I do draw the void spaces and not the outlines
- I am looking for the right lines and for the most accurate proportions
- I dont use jargon, I say things simply and clearly
Now just imagine you could draw anything, anywhere and you would be proud of your drawings ….

That is why, MSE, extreme simplification method has helped many people to boost their self-confidence and I will be your motivation partner because to move forward, it takes two wings.